Mid Life Analysis

Why 40 is the decade you should look forward to.

Danica Davis
6 min readJan 18, 2024
Photo by Mert Guller on Unsplash

This year is the end of my 44th year of life. In April I turn 44. This year the realization that I am truly at midlife has started to hit me. There are so many emotions that have come with this realization.

In movies midlife is often primarily portrayed in men. They go out and buy a new sports car, they have a torrid affair with a much younger woman, they get hair plugs, etc. There is very rarely examples of women in midlife and if there are they are either busy career women who regret never having children and seem bitter or they are housewives who are boring and depressed.

There are never examples of women who decide to upscale their lives or who realize that they are not dead yet and can still have the life they have dreamed of.

Midlife is a time of self-reflection.

One thing I have noticed since my 40th birthday is how much more self-reflection I have started to do. Soon after turning 40, I realized that I was not ever going to get younger and in fact my life was happening faster than I ever expected.

I remember sitting on the back porch of my parents’ home during a visit and talking on the phone with my husband who had not been able to join us. It was mid-afternoon and the air…



Danica Davis
Danica Davis

Written by Danica Davis

Functional Nutrition Counselor and mom to 8 amazing humans. I am passionate about nutrition and mental health as well as raising amazing humans

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